P.K. Chapter 13. THE RISE OF MAN
2. Is evolution an achievement(進化は達成か?) より
Personal Knowledge Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy
- 作者: Michael Polanyi
- 出版社/メーカー: Univ of Chicago Pr (Tx)
- 発売日: 1974/08/15
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る
The stability of a living being has been strikingly compared by W.Ostwald to that of a flame. One speaks today more generally of ‘open systems’, but a simple gas flame contains all that is relevant. It represents a phenomenon of constant shape, fed by a steady inflow of combustible material and releasing a continuous flow of waste products and of the energy produced by combustion. Once a flame has been started, its shape and chemical composition can be varied without extinguishing it. To this extent, its identity is not defined by its physical or chemical topography, but by the operational principles which sustain it. A particular collocation of atoms may accidentally fulfil the conditions for starting a flame, but this accident itself can be defined as such only by its bearing on the system of ordering principles which establishes the possibility of stable flames.
Thus the potentiality of a stable flame bears the same relation to any random fluctuation which ignited it as the ordering principle inherent in the potential energy of biassed dice does to the randomness of Brownian motion, as described in the third imaginary experiment in Chapter 3 of Part One. But we must note the following important difference. The fluctuation which leads to the establishment of an open system does not vanish after the event, as does the Brownian impulse which made the dice tumble into stable positions. The atomic configuration which ignited a flame keeps renewing itself within the flame. It is a fundamental property of open systems, not described before now, that they stabilize any improbable event which serves to elicit them. R.A.Fisher’s observation of the way in which natural selection makes the improbable probable*3 is but a particular application of this theorem. The first beginning of life must have likewise stabilized the highly improbable fluctuation of inanimate matter which initiated life.
- 生命(定常開放系)発生には、物理化学的物質のランダムな変動を維持することが必要
- ランダムな変動が維持されることで、生命発生に適した偶然の物的配置が起こる(必要条件)
- その偶然の物的配置が、場にそもそも備わっている秩序化の原理を触発し、ある特定の秩序(作動原理)を作動させる(十分条件)
- 結果、生命が/定常開放系が/あらたな作動原理が発生する