暗黙の焦点 別宅。

Michael Polanyiに捧げる研鑽の日々。

Joan Crewdson

マイケルの神学・創造論への影響は大きいものがあり、栗本先生は1988年時点で懸念を示している。自分に都合の良いように再解釈して利用する輩だ、というように。私もあまり相手にしておらず、そうした一冊としか考えていなかったのがJoan Crewdsonによる以下の書籍だ。

"Christian Doctrine in the Light of Michael Polanyi's Theory of Personal Knowledge: A Personalist Theology"


twitterで先ほど誰かが本書をつぶやいていたのでちょっと調べてみたら、著者のJoanは2005に亡くなっていて、それをR.T. Allenが当時Yahoo のPolanyi_Listに投稿し、Richard L Gelwickがそれに応答するというやり取りをみつけた。GelwickによればJoanはマイケルと懇意で、Oxford大時代によくマイケルと話をしていたようだ。研究者としてAllenもGelwickもJoanに一目おいていたのが伺える。


2005/5/27 from Richard Allen

I am sorry to report that Joan Crewdson died earlier this week at the nursing home in Oxford where she had been living for the last 2 years
because she was suffering from depression and problems with memory.

Joan, along with Dru Scott and Robin Hodgkin, both of whom died 2 years ago, was one of the pioneers of interest in Polanyi in Britain. All three knew him well, and helped to form the Convivium society in 1974.
When the original committee broke up in 1979, Joan carried on, mostly by herself, editing and publishing Convivium until 1989, and then hosted at her home in Oxford the meetings of the new committee until that was dissolved in 1994.

We shall miss her greatly

I would like to include appreciations of Joan in the October issue of Appraisal. Any offers, please?, especially for anyone who knew her before I
met her in 1974.

Richard Allen

2005/6/2 from Richard L Gelwick

Thank you for letting me know about the death of Joan Crewdson.

As the editor for The Polanyi Society News Bulletin and next Tradition & Discovery until 1991, I worked by mail with Joan Crewdson during her
years as editor of Convivium. She was a diligent and thoughtful Polanyi scholar. If you read the issues of Convivium during her time as editor
and also the many articles reprinted in Tradition and Discovery, you will see that she reviewed well many of the articles selected and wrote excellent reviews of book pertinent to Polanyi.

I especially remember her review of Torrance's collection of essays Belief in Science and Christian Faith and her critique of Prosch's view of reality. She also wrote one of the few books on Polanyi and theology, Christian Doctrine In The Light of Michael Polanyi's Theory of Personal
Knowledge, A Personalist Theology (Edwin Mellen Press, 1993). She said:
"...my purpose in writing is to show that Polanyi's theory of personal knowledge, which is also a theory of personal being gives us the kind of
personalist metaphysic we need to make a theistic view of reality credible."

She knew Polanyi well and was often in conversation with him in Oxford.
She turned to theology when she was 40 years of age, and she did her theological degree at Oxford with eminent advisors such as David Jenkins, Basil Mitchell. Rowan Williams, and John Macquarrie. At the Kent State Centennial Conference, she gave a paper on "Polanyi's Contribution to Paradigm Analysis in Theology" (From Polanyi to the 21st Century, University of New England, USA, 1997, pp. 537-545) in which she responded to the 1988 Tubigen Symposium on Paradigm led by Hans Kung.

For her leadership of Convivium, her exploring theological implications of Polanyi, and her concern for a more humane and just world, we can all
be grateful for her life and work.

Richard Gelwick